The Keep Cup challenge
Are you a keep cup person?
They’ve become wildly popular as people try to reduce the amount of waste they create.
But what about when you get takeaway food? Typically, you nip out for lunch, buy some food, and it comes in a plastic container, which you promptly toss in the bin when you’re done.
It’s wasteful, and in the keep cup era where we no longer accept single-use plastic bags, the question is, how. Much longer can we continue to accept single-use takeaway containers?
It’s a problem which Aussie company RETUB is trying to solve. They’re one of the finalists in the Victorian Premier’s Sustainability Awards and we wish them the best of luck!
Last week we reported that less than 15% of Australia’s top 100 businesses have a published policy on climate change and climate action. That’s a disgracefully low percentage, and I’d be willing to bet that the percentage of small businesses who have a climate policy would be even lower.
Keep cups are a good start, but the challenge is how to take it further.