Finance News
With a week till June 30 a lot of the conversations we’re having with clients right now are about tax deductions, and what you’re entitled to claim back from the tax man. With tax deductions, every little bit counts. Prepaying your expenses can bring forward your tax deductions so you don’t need to wait another…
Read the rest of the entry »It would be an understatement to say that the Australian sharemarket has tumbled this week with the latest risk being fears of a US or global recession. And it all comes on the back of rising inflation and to curb it, all global central banks are lifting interest rates with the UK and Switzerland are the latest…
Read the rest of the entry »There’s been a lot of talk as we’ve emerged from the pandemic that official interest rates are set to head upwards for the first time in a very long time, and for me, yesterday’s RBA meeting solidified that further. As I’ve said before, I expect there’ll be an increase to official interest rates in…
Read the rest of the entry »With the end of financial year now just 5 business days away, here are three quick super things to consider over the next week: If you’re self-employed and looking to BPay your super payment, you’ll need to get cracking pretty quickly. Keep in mind that the payment is not based on what date it leaves your account, but the date…
Read the rest of the entry »So lockdown is being eased again – excellent. But lockdown or no lockdown, the rest of Australia beyond Melbourne continues to tick along as COVID-normal, which means we’re rapidly approaching the end of financial year and everything that comes along with it. It’s going to be a hell of a year for tax planning, in…
Read the rest of the entry »Well, here we go again! As you will likely have heard, Victoria has been put into yet another “circuit breaker” lockdown, this time for 7 days. There are only 5 reasons to leave home: the 4 we’re used to, plus to go get vaccinated. Obviously the impact on Victorian businesses will be immense, with other states…
Read the rest of the entry »Last night’s federal budget is a far cry from the pre-COVID budgets of this government. They were all about paying down debt. This budget is about spending our way out of the COVID crisis, with very little regard for the growing debt and deficit, obviously until unemployment is under control. There were a few highlights…
Read the rest of the entry »I’ve got good news, and bad news. The good news is we’re all about to get a superannuation increase! The bad news is that despite it being only weeks since JobKeeper ended, Australian businesses are about to be slugged with the cost increase. This super increase was supposed to happen on 1 July 2020 but was pushed…
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