Solar Panels – Is It Time To Introduce Batteries And Go It Alone?
The sustained rise in power bills over the past several years has prompted a surge in the number of households who want to “do-it-yourself” by unplugging from the power grid – which may result in further declines in carbon emissions.
As many as 90 per cent of households are looking to renewable energy alternatives such as solar panels and also battery storage or smart meters as they seek to counter the rise in power prices, according to a survey by Energy Consumers Australia which was established to advised state and federal energy ministers.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald “Consumers are taking matters into their own hands with 50 per cent of households turning to solar panels and 28 per cent looking at battery storage,” Rosemary Sinclair, the chief executive of the consumer group said.
This is not a matter of a few dollars for efficient light bulbs – people are prepared to spend significant money to address a major cost of living pressure.”
The survey found that 81 per cent of households who have installed or who are looking to install rooftop solar panels may add battery storage, which would allow them to go it alone and unplug the electricity grid – a threat which is forcing a wholesale shift in the approach of electricity distributors such as Ausgrid and Powercor.
“Almost 1.5 million Australians already have solar panels and this has already had a big impact on electricity demand, reducing the need for new investment in the network,” Ms Sinclair said.
Source: Sydney Morning Herald