Getting back to business post-corona
We are now another week down the track of navigating the government’s Job Keeper assistance program and there are some important updates for businesses to be aware of.
The first is that a bit of common sense has come in for employers looking to access the assistance program, where they can lodge a claim for the program up until May 31 instead of the previously announced April 30. Good result.
The other good news that we heard this week is that maybe small businesses will be getting back to work soon. But it won’t be business as usual, it will be business post-corona.
I was speaking with my mechanic on Sunday, who opened his second shop just before Christmas, following huge growth in his business from better processes, honouring dealer warranties and more cars on the road from ride sharing. His business was going really well before the shutdown. He asked me what he should do marketing-wise as a small business at this time. Should he re-do all marketing plans? Look at an aggressive social media campaign?
I told him that thinking was for a pre-Corona life. This is an opportunity for small businesses to tell the truth.
Whether you’re putting it on your social media page, or a sign in your shopfront or warehouse window, it’s important to tell people your situation.
Tell them you’ve been closed for a while, you’ve applied for Job Keeper, and you’re proud to be opening your doors again and keeping workers on the books.
Whether you’re a florist, a baker, own a cafe, or a little store, that honesty about what you’ve been through and what you’re committed to is what people want to hear and consumers will respect that.
Everyone is doing it tough, so knowing that there are others experiencing the same things really does help bring the community together around local businesses, and that has been one big positive of this whole situation.
Don’t forget, if you have any concerns or just want to chat about your own situation, don’t hesitate to get in touch.