Are you caught in your own personal Squid Game?
Squid Game – have you heard of it? No, it’s not some weird new sport involving calamari, it’s Netflix’s newest blockbuster show, which is surpassing all records!
The series is based on a Korean children’s game, but in this adult version 456 players who are all deeply in debt compete for a massive cash prize, with a deadly penalty if they lose.
Of course, it’s a fantasy, but there are plenty of Aussies battling their own form of Squid Game right now, with the financial contagion effect of COVID-19 pushing them into a financial squeeze. Many are struggling to pay even the most basic of bills, like power, water, gas, and council rates.
These people are being forced into dire situations, but instead of Squid Game tasks, they’re being thrust into their very own version of these trials, like navigating high-interest penalties, accruing debt, high interest-bearing loans from predatory pay-day lenders, and ultimately being disconnected from their utilities.
The challenge here is managing debt, which (we often forget) eventually needs to be paid back, preferably without long-lasting impacts.
If this is you or someone you know, contact the relevant providers as there is help you can access before sinking yourself into financial dire straits.